About the Blog

Hello! If you are reading this it means that you have stumbled across my book blog! Congrats!

I'm a book nerd based in the UK. I have a degree in English Literature so  I guess that kind of means I know what I'm doing (most of the time). My ambition is to eventually write a book of my own, but until then I have settled for writing reviews on other books. I enjoy young adult novels, and some of my favourite series are Harry Potter, The Mortal Instruments and The Raven Cycle. My life revolves around fictional characters, including those from books and tv shows.

All opinions are my own! I will always give a 100% honest opinion, so if you're only looking for praise rather than a critical review then it may be better to go elsewhere (unless you bribe me with cookies then we can talk.) However I will never just completely trash a book, and will always find positives even in books that I dislike.

I hope you enjoy my reviews and feel free to make friends with me as I am a lonely cat lady without owning the cat.