Friday, 13 July 2012

Review on 'Grow Up'

Jasper is a 17 year old boy who aspires to become a novelist. However, although he has ambitions Jasper is still an average teenage boy, with problems involving exams, booze, drugs, girls, suicide and sex. Then theres Keith, his step dad, who Jasper believes murdered his ex wife and is now planning to murder his mum. Jasper must overcome his his own fears while also helping his best friend Tanaya, who is depressed over her ex boyfriend and who Jasper believes is suicidal

Although this book covers some serious issues such as drugs, teenage pregnancy and suicide, it is in no way depressing and is extremely funny. The foul language and sex references could be offensive to some readers so I suggest you do not read this book if you are easily offended. However if you are like me and don’t get easily offended then I highly suggest giving this book a read as it is extremely comedic, and deals with the struggles and temptations than the average teenager goes through. I thought that it was similar to books such as the catcher in the rye and the perks of being a wallflower, as it is narrated from the point of view of a teenage boy, and deals with his personal problems and frustrations. As I enjoyed catcher in the rye and perks, I found this different outlook on teenage life funny and interesting, but like all teenagers there is more to Jasper than just wanting to have sex with pretty girls and do drugs, as he is worried about his best friend thinking of suicide, and is convinced that his step dad is a murderer and is going to attempt to kill his mum, which has many comedic moments such as him getting in trouble by the police for calling them about it and digging in the garden of Keith’s old house where Jasper is convinced his dead wife is buried. Definitely worth a read even if it is just for the comedic value.

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