Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Review on Rasputin's Supernatural Dating Service

Eli Kowalski works as a Certifier for Rasputin's Supernatural Dating Service, where he must sort out the fakes from the real supernatural creatures. However, when he meets Meri, a witch with a bad dating history, Eli gets involved in more than he bargained for. Meri's ex boyfriend has stolen an ancient tablet which has the power to kill all supernatural creatures. With the help of Meri, Rasputin, Frankenstein and H.P Lovecraft, Eli must stop him from using the tablet before it is too late.

So this is the third book by David Hammons that I've read, and I am quickly becoming a fan! Although I wasn't too keen on Alice Takes Back Wonderland, I did adore Don't Eat the Glowing Bananas, and as this book seemed to also be going down the comedy route, I thought I would give it a go. The book follows Eli, a man who works for a dating website for supernatural creatures. I thought the idea of Raspuin still being alive and running a dating service hilarious. However, from the book title and the cover, I assumed that setting supernatural creatures up on dates with each other would be the main plot, so I was a little d isappointed that this ended up being more of a subplot, with the main focus being on trying to stop Meri's ex boyfriend from killing all Supernatural creatures.

I found the antagonist of this book hilarious. Maxwell is a rogue, fedora wearing witch, who believes that women never want to date “nice guys.” Maxwell plans to destroy all supernatural creatures so that guys like him have a better chance at dating women. Maxwell was practically the embodiment of a man child. Although Maxwell seemed to be a satire, the sad thing is that I have seen guys who act exactly like Maxwell!

Although I did find certain parts of this book funny, I didn't find it quite as funny as Don't Eat the Glowing Bananas. I did love some of the minor characters like H.P Lovecraft, Steve and the ghosts, but I didn't care too much about the three main characters. I felt as if Raputin had potential to be a really funny character, so I was disappointed that he wasn't in the book more. As I adored Lewis in Don't Eat the Glowing Bananas, I was hoping that there would be a character similar to him in Rasputin's Supernatural Dating Service, but unfortunately I didn't find a character who I thought was as funny as Lewis.

The storyline itself was ridiculous, and although it wasn't what I was expecting, I still loved it. The humor is very immature, and I feel as if more serious, adulty adults might not find it funny. Although I didn't find it as funny as I thought I would, I adored Rasputin and Steve the troll, and felt as if they needed to be in the book more. I did however love the anime con scene, and especially loved Steve being an anime fan, and everyone hating bronies.

As most of the books that I read have serious topics, I felt as if this one was exactly what I needed to take a break. The moral of the story is to not be a fedora wearing douchebag who treats women like objects, which I think is beautiful. On a more serious note, I adored Eli's conversation with his dad, and although 90% of this book is silly, it did make a good point that yo u can't run away from your problems forever, and you'll have to face them eventually.

I overall enjoyed this silly and fun read, and although I do feel as if it could have been better, it was a nice change from the books I'm used to reading. It has definitely made me want to go outside my regular genres more often and read more comedy books!

Rasputin's Supernatural Dating Service is now available to purchase!


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