Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Old Books, New Year

So this post is 99% an attempt to motivate myself into reading some books that have been on my shelf for a while! I am completely disgusted in myself that I've had unread books gathering dust on my shelves for years and this is the year I'm going to finally read them! Realistically I'm not going to get through them all, but here are a few that I finally want to read!

Ok so I know I probably should have read this by now. Caraval was the book everyone was talking about back when it was released, and since then it's become a whole trilogy! The different covers for this are gorgeous, and I remember when everyone was collecting every different version! Really that was such a great marketing campaign. I've seen this book be compared to The Night Circus a few times, and although I didn't completely love The Night Circus, I did think the imagery was absolutely gorgeous, so if Caraval's imagery is anything like The Night Circus, along with having a good plot, I'll probably be sold! 

Why oh why haven't I read this book yet? I've managed to collect the whole series and even have some pretty snazzy postcards, but I still haven't got round to actually reading them! I've seen so many good things about these books that I do want to finally read them this year. I think I'll probably end up getting addicted and binge reading the whole series in about a week.

I've had a Lord of the Rings book boxset since I was about eleven, but I've only ever made it past the first book. Honestly both the book and movie for fellowship are a little slow, and as it's my least favourite movie in the trilogy odds are it would be my least favourite book too, but the problem is I just haven't read the other two books to find out! The movies have been favourites of mine ever since they came out, and I really do want to read the books. I've seen people say they're difficult to read which has put me off a little, but I'm going to do my best to get through this trilogy this year! 

I've honestly been wanting to read Six of Crows for YEARS! I finally managed to read the Shadow and Bone series towards the end of last year, so this year will finally be the year that I fall in love with Kaz. To be honest Kaz has been so hyped up that I will actually be pretty disappointed if he doesn't become one of my favourite characters. I did have mixed feelings about Shadow and Bone, but I've seen people who didn't like the Shadow and Bone books much but loved Six of Crows so I'm just going to have to wait and see! 

So for some reason I just never read the Percy Jackson books. Honestly, it's probably because I'm a hag and was more interested in YA than Middle Grade by the time these books started to get popular. Something I've been doing over the years is buying the books in this series from charity shops whenever I see them, and by doing this I've finally managed to collect the whole series so I honestly have no excuse not to start them now. I adore Greek mythology so I'm pretty sure I will love these books!

There's so many books on my TBR for this year, but I honestly think I'll be focusing more on books that are already on my shelf as I really don't have the shelf space or the money to buy too many new ones! That being said I would still love some book recommendations be it old or new books, so feel free to let me know what books I just HAVE to read this year!

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