Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Pride Month TBR


HAPPY PRIDE MONTH EVERYONE!! For this month, I have decided to only read and blog about LGBTQ+ books. Even though I love reading LGBTQ+ books, I tend to not read as many as I would like to, so this month I’m going to try to get through as many as possible! I’m probably going to add to my TBR if I can read quickly enough, but for now, I thought I’d share four books that I’m definitely planning on reading and reviewing this month.


So I keep collecting these graphic novels but am yet to start them! I think everyone already knows about these books as they’re pretty popular and are soon to be turned into a series, but in case you don’t, they follow Nick and Charlie, two boys who we first meet in Alice’s novel Solitaire. Although they weren’t main characters in Solitaire, I still loved reading about them so I’m looking forward to finding out more about them, and seeing what happened to them before Solitaire. These graphic novels seem so sweet and I actually haven’t read a graphic novel in a while, so I’m looking forward to finally getting round to reading it! I do own up to volume 3 of these books, so I might possibly read more than just the first volume this month.


I did want to read books from a variety of authors, but honestly, I’m just going to have to read Loveless. As I’m asexual myself, I was so excited when I found out about this book! There really isn’t enough ace representation in YA, so I’m looking forward to reading about a character who is like me. I feel as if I’ll really relate to Georgia, as like her, I love reading romance fanfics, but don’t really want a relationship of my own. I’m honestly still questioning if I’m aroace, as I’ve had crushes on people of all genders but feel awkward in an actual romantic relationship. As I’ve only ever read a couple of books with ace rep, I’m looking forward to reading this one!

 You’re the One That I Want

 I’m so excited to read this one! Simon is one of my favourite authors and his books never fail to make me laugh, and this one sounds amazing. It follows Freddie, a boy who has a reputation of being the “nice guy”. Freddie is tired of being constantly left out. He wants to attend all the parties his peers go to and find a boyfriend. Freddie decides to turn his social life around by joining in with his school production of Grease. Freddie finally has the attention he was craving, but is changing your whole personality really the best thing to do? As this book isn’t being published for a couple more days I’ll probably choose this as my second read so I have time to go buy it. Thanks past me for not spending the whole of your Waterstones gift card! 

 Hani and Ishu’s Guide to Fake Dating

Fake dating is an overdone trope, but it’s a trope that I always love. I loved To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, and Hani and Ishu is giving me similar vibes! This one follows Hani, a girl who is popular, but who is invalidated by her friends who don’t believe her when she comes out as bisexual. To try to prove her sexuality, she pretends she is dating Ishu, a smart unpopular girl who is hoping to become head girl. The problem is the head girl must be elected, and Ishu’s lack of popularity means she won’t have a chance without Hani’s help. Despite doing this for their own personal gains, the two girls end up developing feelings for each other. This books honestly sounds adorable, and I love that it has both Asian and bi girl rep! I’m looking forward to diving into this one. 

As I’m quite a slow reader, these are all the books I’m putting on my “definitely will read this month” list, but there are so many more I want to read! I’d love to find the time to read a book focusing on a transgender character too, as I realise my current TBR doesn’t cover a trans story, so if you have any recommendations I would love to hear them! I’d love to know what LGBTQ+ you’re planning on reading this month. Feel free to leave a comment or tweet me with any recommendations you have. 

 I hope you all have a wonderful pride month! 

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