Thursday, 2 January 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all my followers! Thank you for sticking round and taking the time to read my reviews. I'm hoping to read and review as many books as possible in the coming year, and make more frequent posts. As I got given a ton of books for Christmas, I will be starting with reviewing those, but if you have any suggestions on what I should review please leave them in the comment section below. Also, a reminder to any authors that I am willing to read and review your books. Just leave me an email [address is in the contact details at the top of the page] and give me a brief synopsis of what the book is about and in what format you are able to provide me with a copy. I do have a tablet device which I can read ebooks on, but I am old fashioned when it comes to books so if you can provide me with a physical copy then I will probably be 90% more likely to review it.

Hope you all had a wonderful time over the holidays!

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